Lockton, the world’s largest independent insurance broker, today announced the hiring of Jason Sandler and Craig Taylor to enhance its Intangible Asset and Contingent Liability practice, a division within its broader Transaction Liability practice. Sandler and Taylor bring, in particular, significant expertise with respect to Intellectual Property (IP) matters and associated credit and monetization strategies, including Collateral Protection Insurance. In their roles, they will advise clients on the placement of coverages that support the residual value of IP, in addition to working with Michael Perich, Head of Litigation Insurance, on policies that provide support for IP-related disputes and litigations.
“The addition of Jason and Craig to our team represents a further commitment from Lockton to provide cutting-edge solutions to the challenges facing our clients,” said Gaurav Sud, Partner and Co-Practice Leader. “We are deeply focused on innovation and believe that Jason and Craig will help our clients extract value from their IP assets, an asset class that is only taking on added importance as technological development accelerates and in the context of macro economic uncertainty.”
Sandler joins Lockton from another global insurance brokerage. Prior to that, he was an IP attorney at Cravath, Swaine & Moore.
Taylor also joins Lockton from another global insurance brokerage. He has spent over a decade in the insurance industry and is a thought leader around Collateral Protection Insurance.
“We could not be more excited to deliver novel insurance solutions to Lockton’s clients,” Sandler said. “At the same time, we understand that our clients are best-served by marrying client-driven innovation with insurance carrier collaboration as we break new ground.”
“Our goal is to create an IP-focused insurance strategy that will be sustainable for the long term for all stakeholders in the process, and deliver results for years to come,” said Taylor.