Brazil adds a national public holiday from 2024

The Brazilian government recently passed Law No. 14.759 introducing an additional national paid public holiday on 20 November for the National Day of Zumbi and Black Consciousness. The new law aims tohonor Black history by commemorating the death of Zumbi, who was a prominent leader of the resistance against slavery in Brazil.

The day was already recognized as a holiday in several states and will now be observed across the country as a national holiday from 2024 onwards.

Key details

Starting in 2024, the additional permanent national public holiday will bring the total yearly number of national holidays in Brazil to 10 days.

According to the Brazilian legislation, employees who are required to work on a national public holiday by their employer are entitled to compensatory time off or must be paid double their regular daily rate for the hours worked during a national holiday.

Lockton comment

Employers should ensure compliance by amending their HR internal policies and practices, employment agreements, and company-level collective bargaining agreements, as needed. The new holiday also creates an opportunity for employers to celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of their Brazilian workforce in connection with other company initiatives.


L14759 ( (opens a new window) (opens a new window)

Página 1 do Diário Oficial da União - Seção 1, número 243, de 22/12/2023 - Imprensa Nacional (opens a new window)