A solid foundation of construction and design expertise
Lockton’s foundation was built upon the construction and design industries. Our first 15 years were dedicated to this sector and that dedication remains today, with construction still comprising a sizable share of Lockton revenue. We deliver risk management systems that are truly customized not only to the industry, but to each of our unique clients. Our process is customized to your specific exposures, risk tolerance, and personal preferences. We don’t force cookie-cutter solutions on your organization. Instead, we employ a fluid approach tailored to your needs.
A firm built to serve
Risk management services: Our expert team collaborates with you, addressing loss projections, risk finance, captive consulting, collateral analysis, and self-insurance feasibility studies. Risk control services: We can help reduce insurance costs by seamlessly blending loss control, claims cost control, and claims expertise. Acting as an extension of your risk management team, we bridge the gap between client and provider. Small broker feel: We deliver a personal touch and a team that understands your unique business. As a privately owned and independent broker, we prioritize your interests over shareholders. Big-broker expertise: With 300+ Associates specializing in construction and design, we leverage our global network and strategic alliances with insurers and third-party advisors to provide personalized risk solutions for your business.

A sampling of our industry expertise
Business risk doctrine
Captive formation and management
Construction, design, and engineering
Construction defect exposures
Contractual risk transfer
Controlled insurance programs
Cyber and technology
Directors and officers liability
Environmental risk
Financial assurance guarantees
International risk
Joint ventures
Performance security
Priority of coverage
Privacy/data security
Pollution liability
Professional liability
Property/builder’s risk
Public-private partnerships (P3)
Subcontractor default
Risk management from the ground up
We’ll work to understand your business issues and needs to deliver practical, comprehensive solutions that add value for your organization.
With a global footprint of 135+ offices, there’s sure to be one near you.
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