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News & Insights

There is always something exciting happening at Lockton. Here are just a few from our newsroom.

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Mitigating the climate change impact on vineyards

Climate change poses several challenges for viticulture. Grapes are vulnerable to changes in temperature, precipitation, water availability, pests and diseases, and extreme weather events. Changes in weather patterns are becoming less predictable and …

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Steps you need to take during a data breach

Today’s dependency on digital systems has meant businesses are under constant pressure of suffering a data breach. In the event of a data breach, cyber criminals could get access to a business’s most sensitive and high-value data, the result of which …

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Organizational Stigma and Employee Mental Well-being

Mental health is a pressing issue in Asia, particularly in Hong Kong, where depression rates have reached record highs (Hong Kong Mental Health Association, 2023). However, within the workplace, a prevalent yet overlooked issue exists: Organizational …

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Menopause Matters

Change is an inevitable part of life, and women undergo significant transitions, especially during menopause. A study conducted by UVA Health experts sheds light on the profound and often unexpected impact of this unavoidable phase on women's lives,  …

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Overcoming Stereotypes in the Workplace

Since 2000, nearly all Fortune 500 companies in the U.S. have settled at least one employment discrimination or harassment lawsuit, resulting in hefty financial penalties, with the retail and financial services sectors facing the highest disclosed fi …

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Getting Ready for La Niña

According to a 2023 study by Statista, the Philippines ranks highest in the world for natural disaster risk due to its location along major tectonic plates, making it prone to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. Additionally, its positio …

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