
Empowering New Zealand Exporters: How Strategic Conversations Drive Successful International Trade

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There is always something exciting happening at Lockton. Here are just a few from our newsroom.

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Empowering New Zealand Exporters: How Strategic Conversations Drive Successful Internation …

We are delighted to introduce a new podcast series covering topics related to the current state of the trade credit insurance market across the Pacific region. In the first episode, you will learn about: The main changes in the trade credit sector w …

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Case Study: Captive Insurance Delivers Significant Savings for Food Sector Business

The Client: A large New Zealand food sector business The Situation: Rising premium costs despite a history of zero claims and a strong risk management profile The Approach: A fresh renewal approach and marketing strategy, including presentations to l …

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Cyber Market Update - Hong Kong, July 2024

We are pleased to share the Lockton Cyber Market Update – Hong Kong. Recent cyber-attacks in Hong Kong serve as a stark reminder that no company is immune to the ever-evolving threat landscape. It is essential for businesses to prioritize risk manage …

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Case Studies

What is Captive Insurance? A Comprehensive Guide in 2024

“Captives insurance” or “captive insurance companies” are industry terms that are often misunderstood or unfamiliar to insurance buyers. Captives serve as a vehicle for organisations seeking a long-term, strategic approach to managing risk. As par …

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Fine Art and Specie

The benefits of separating fine art and specie from property cover

Fine art and specie collections can appreciate significantly in value over short periods of time. As a result, insuring these high value items under a general property insurance policy could result in the fine art and specie collections being underin …

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Risk Control

Inside Risk: Fire protection impairment management

Fixed fire protection systems such as sprinklers are an effective way to control or suppress a fire in its early stages, limiting the potential loss to the property and the business, as well as the risk to life. However, to be effective, fire protect …

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