In today’s turbulent world, protecting your firm is more important than ever. You need a partner that understands the challenges you face owning and managing a business. Your office is more than just a workplace. It’s essential to your ability to generate income and operate profitably. Without the right office insurance cover, your business is at risk.


Office Guardian

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Safeguarding you, your people, and your business

In today’s turbulent world, protecting your firm is more important than ever. You need a partner that understands the challenges you face owning and managing a business. Your office is more than just a workplace. It’s essential to your ability to generate income and operate profitably. Without the right office insurance cover, your business is at risk. Developed in partnership with specialist insurer MS Amlin, Office Guardian protects you, your team, and your business from the range of office insurance risks you may face.

All-in-one office insurance protection for your business

Office Guardian combines Property Damage, Business Interruption, Employers Liability, Public Liability, and more. With cover extensions available to take care of the office risks you face, it safeguards the continuity and resilience of your business. When you take out Office Guardian insurance with Lockton, you get more than just an insurance policy. You get a partner that’s dedicated to protecting your business interests and actively fostering its growth.


What we bring to your business

We’ve chosen MS Amlin as our insurer partner for Office Guardian because of its decades-long track record of delivering exceptional insurance products and services for businesses like yours. MS Amlin is rated A+ by Standard and Poor’s, with the added security of Lloyd’s of London behind it.

Working with MS Amlin, we’ve developed an exclusive bespoke policy wording that provides exceptional coverage. Say goodbye to cumbersome warranties and conditions. Our policy is clear and concise, and gives you genuine peace of mind. You get a market-leading product that delivers comprehensive cost-effective office insurance cover.

In the unpredictable world of claims, time is of the essence. Most property losses occur 'out of hours', so it really matters that we’re here for you round the clock. Our 24/7 claims service means you can always reach us, any time you have a problem. Together, we’ll quickly implement remediation plans to take the situation in hand.

We aim to build a long-term partnership with you and your business. We also believe that effective risk management efforts should be rewarded. That’s why we’ll always offer you a 10% rebate on your annual premium if your policy has stayed claims-free for the twelve months before you renew your Office Guardian policy.

An exceptional combination of benefits

Unlike other office insurance policies…

  • We won’t apply an ‘average clause’ that reduces your payment proportionately if it turns out your property has been underinsured

  • The policy’s Loss of Revenue cover includes billable hours

  • There’s no maximum indemnity period for Business Interruption cover

  • The policy wording is free from small-print ‘conditions precedent to liability’ that could prevent you being indemnified

  • There are no minimum security requirements for doors and windows

  • There’s no excess to pay, if your claim exceeds £1,000

  • The policy includes adequate and realistic limits for Employers Liability and Public Liability claims, allowing £10m for each

  • Cover automatically includes Additional Increase in Cost of Working, up to the full sum insured

  • The policy provides a 10% premium rebate when you renew after a claims-free year

  • The cover is extended to include Environmental Liability up to £125,000

  • Our policy also includes Impairment of Computer Services cover.

Our Office Guardian Team

Placeholder image

Tony Murray

Senior Vice President
+44 2890 348 404

Office Guardian FAQs

If you have physical assets, a revenue stream, employees or clients, then you need office insurance.

As soon as you have any of the above exposures you should buy office insurance.

The sums you insure for buildings and contents should match the full cost of reinstating them if you experienced a total loss.

Yes, cover for portable devices or other company property taken outside the office is readily available and is covered on an ‘all risks’ basis when not on your premises.

If you’re running your business from home and you do not have any employees, then you do not need Employers Liability insurance, but you will have contents such as computer equipment that you’ll need to cover. You will also still have a Public Liability exposure if your clients visit you, or if you visit them.

Let’s talk

If you would like to know more about how our Office Guardian team can help you or your business, contact us using the form below, and we’ll be in touch soon.

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