Guidance for navigating the cyber insurance claims process
Cyber events are becoming more common and disruptive to organisations.
Those with the foresight to carry cyber insurance will be better prepared to promptly respond to a cyber event and insulated from the most severe financial consequences. They will be able to deal with crises efficiently and effectively, as they will have access to their insurers’ specialised suite of incident response services at discounted hourly and/or project rates.
The cyber claims process is not always intuitive and easy to understand. Steps that might seem like common sense can sometimes create insurance difficulties. And cyber claims are very different from other types of claims because of the unique nature of the risk and the policies.
For that reason, it is critical that organisations know how and when to engage insurers. Insurance recovery depends on proper claims management. This guide is intended to provide the necessary framework to ensure your cyber insurance claim process is successful.
What’s in the guide?
What is a cyber claim?
How does the cyber insurance claim process work?
How long will the claim process take?
Why should an organisation use panel vendors?
Will an insurer agree to retaining a vendor of our organisation’s choosing?
What types of events should be reported to cyber insurers?
Why should our organisation retain a forensic accountant for the business interruption claim when we have a finance department?
Why is it necessary to retain legal advisors to investigate an information security incident before retaining other vendors, such as forensics?
What if my organisation wants to work with a specific legal advisor and/or vendor?
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