
Microsoft/CrowdStrike IT Outage

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There is always something exciting happening at Lockton. Here are just a few from our newsroom.

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The Unintended Consequences of Sustainability

*If you can’t see the video on this page, please click Cookie Settings in the footer of this page and ‘Approve all’ cookies. If you wish, you have the flexibility to manage your preferences by visiting the settings again. The ethos of sustainability  …

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Potential pitfalls of environmental disclosures

Large companies are increasingly assessing the environmental impact of their operations and disclosing the results to stakeholders in conjunction with remediation plans. These disclosures have already triggered a variety of lawsuits and investigation …

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How to trace your lost pensions

It is estimated that one in 30 UK workers have lost track of some of their pensions at an average potential cost of £13,000. This typically happens after moving jobs or changing addresses, and while tracking them down might seem an arduous task, it d …

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Employee Wellbeing: The key to success in the future of work

Employee wellbeing has been a widely discussed topic over the past year. The pandemic has certainly transformed the way employees that about work. Employee wellbeing is now more important than ever. So, what exactly is employee wellbeing? Today, it h …

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The Baltimore bridge collapse: a $4 billion question

The March 26 collision between the Dali container ship and the Francis Scott Key Bridge, resulting in the bridge's collapse, has highlighted the complexity of insurance coverage for maritime operations. The collision resulted in extensive property da …

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Risk Control

Inside Risk: Mitigating the risk of hot works

Hot works continue to be one of the main causes of substantial fire loss in commercial premises, resulting in property damage, business interruption, and potential loss of customers. It can ignite combustible materials nearby and potentially more dis …

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