When it comes to making the investments and deals that power the world, our specialist insurers will provide the support you need.


Energy and Infrastructure Transactional Risk Insurance

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Our team leads the way for the Energy and Infrastructure industry

We have a strong track record of successfully advising on major energy and infrastructure transactions around the world. We are led by lawyers with more than 30 years of combined global transactional experience across the energy and infrastructure industries, with detailed knowledge in the acquisition of major assets from wind farms to waste-to-energy plants, from data centres to offshore oil and gas. We have advised our clients on some of the largest transactions in both the energy and infrastructure sectors, and placed novel insurance solutions to overcome deal-blockers and facilitate transactions.

We work closely, across continents

We have experience, and teams, in key energy markets and key sites across the world. This gives us in-depth knowledge of both infrastructural challenges and legislation changes. Wherever you are planning your next project, we have the knowledge and expertise to find you comprehensive cover, and give you thorough advice.

Your industry is our specialism

We draw on the knowledge of leading energy and infrastructure industry consultants, underwriters and brokers with direct experience on the ground – specialists with broad insights into every detail of the sector. We can provide due diligence reviews, physical site and asset assessments and insurance solutions for the entire lifecycle of your deal.

424x480xenergyxinfrastructure When it comes to making the investments and deals that power the world, our specialist team will provide the support you need

Our industry leading offering:

We have demonstrable expertise in Renewable Generation, Wind (on-shore and off-shore), Solar (rooftop and ground), BESS, Energy Storage, Renewable Energy, Oil and Oil Products, Shipping, LNG, Digital Infrastructure, Core and Non-Core (core + and core ++) Infrastructure, Manufacturing and Industrials.

We are fully transparent with our clients, setting out a clear framework of costings, analysis and advice - not just on how to cover your risk, but how to reduce your risk and streamline the M&A process.

Our teams can provide coverage across the energy and infrastructure spectrum, covering Energy W&I Insurance, Renewable W&I Insurance, Wind W&I Insurance, Solar W&I Insurance, Infrastructure W&I, Data Centres W&I and many associated products including Tax Liability Insurance and Contingent and Litigation Risk Insurance. We can work with colleagues across Lockton to ensure specialist coverage of every risk associated with your deal.

We have a particular emphasis on offshore wind, bio-gas and hydrogen projects - and are often commissioned to insure the most ground-breaking projects, brokering coverage without precedent: we were the first broker to insure a green hydrogen storage plant – the Aces Delta in Utah. As the renewables sector continues to develop, we work closely with our clients to craft policies that are fit for this new future.

While net zero objectives drive demand, we retain a key interest in traditional energy infrastructure projects. Our experience in Upstream and Downstream transactions in EMEA means we can help you navigate the complexities of cross-border IOC/NOC/Sovereign Wealth transactions. Our teams have worked extensively on the due diligence around ESG requirements, new legislation and best practise in each global market.  

Read our insights on Energy and Infrastructure Transactions

Construction site timber

UK Transactional Risk Market Update 2024

Energy and Infrastructure FAQs

W&I (Warranty and Indemnity) Insurance is a valuable tool for mitigating risks associated with renewable energy investments, including wind, solar, and BESS. This means:

  • Buyer has recourse against insurer with greater credit strength and does not need to pursue sellers or management team

  • Buyer can enhance coverage under a W&I policy vs what is offered in the SPA

  • Differentiates a bid in an auction process

  • Provides comfort to lenders, investors and shareholders

  • Facilitates transaction completion

  • Ability to insure against known issues (e.g. tax, litigation and contingent risks) via standalone policies.

  • Clean exit from transaction

  • No need for an escrow in relation to warranty claims

  • Mitigation against price-chips

  • Seller can maximise and accelerate returns to shareholders/investors

  • Removes warranty burden of management team transferring to new owners

  • Facilitates transaction completion

  • Ability to insure against known issues (e.g. tax, litigation and contingent risks) via standalone policies.

  • Increased insurer focus on scope and quality of due diligence

  • IP / IT / data protection and cyber focused warranties coming under increased scrutiny

  • Valuation multiples and methodologies are probed more by insurers

  • Increase in standalone tax and contingent risk policies

Renewable energy assets, with their complex technology and long-term operating lifecycles, present unique underwriting challenges. Lockton's energy and infrastructure team has extensive experience in navigating these complexities to secure tailored W&I Insurance coverage for wind farms, solar PV, BESS, biofuels, toll roads, telecoms, data centres, LNG facilities, oil exploration and many other areas. All of which the team has first-hand experience of advising.

Acquiring insurance for oil and gas assets can be challenging due to insurer ESG considerations and geopolitical constraints. However, due to our specialist knowledge in this sector, insurers have been happy to work with our specialist team and we have successfully placed insurance on the purchase of operational oil and gas explorations targets in MENA.

Every transaction is different, due to our extensive experience across energy and infrastructure sectors, we are frequently requested by our clients to advise on structuring transactions and due diligence scope across all workstreams: legal, tax, finance, commercial and technical aspects.

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