We, Lockton Korea, who have been dynamically taking off high in the country of morning calm consist of expert groups professionally dedicated to brokering all lines of commercial insurance and reinsurance.
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Welcome to Lockton South Korea
Lockton Korea is comprised of working groups of industry experts dedicated to brokering all lines of commercial insurance and reinsurance, and continues to see dynamic growth on multiple fronts. Additionally, we can maximize our competitive edge as a global broker through the worldwide network of Lockton Companies which operates in over 125 countries. With our professional expertise, we are by far the number one insurance broker for professional indemnity and highly competitive in risk coverage for construction works, erection works and solar power plants. We also consistently play a leading role through our long-term presence in the traditional insurance lines of property, marine hull and marine cargo.
고요한아침의나라에역동적으로높이떠오르고있는록톤코리아는모든기업보험종목과재보험을전업으로중개하는전문가집단으로구성되어있습니다. 또한전세계125개국이상에진출해있는모회사넷트워크를통해경쟁우위를극대화시킬수있는글로벌중개사입니다. 전문인배상책임은업계1위를확고히하고있고건설공사, 조립공사, 태양열발전소등의기술보험부분에서도전문성을바탕으로 높은경쟁력을갖추고있을뿐만아니라재물보험, 선박보험, 적하보험등의전통적인보험종목도오랜역사를바탕으로선도적역할을하고있습니다.
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Lockton Welcomes Jay Sharma as Regional Head of Specialties, Asia
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