Lockton Taiwan Commentary published for InsuranceAsia News on Market Trend

TAIPEI – InsuranceAsia News which offers in-depth interviews for Asia’s markets, has published our General Manager of Taiwan, Lawrence Li (opens a new window)’s comments on the local market trend in "International market’s appetite for Taiwan risks waning" published on November 29.

Please find the link to the article at https://insuranceasianews.com/international-markets-appetite-for-taiwan-risks-waning/ (opens a new window) but kindly note that this column is behind paywall.

Lawrence's commentary quote as below:

Lawrence Li

General Manager, Taiwan

"What I’m seeing in the local market is that rates are rising, and insurers are not offering too much capacity for specific placements. Actually, securing a 100% placement for the renewal of many property policies has not been possible in the local market.

And on the other side, securing reinsurance treaty cover for local insurers is also a tough situation in this year’s renewal, especially the cost of nat cat risks."