Lockton Hong Kong is proud to announce that Alex Yip, our Chief Executive Officer - Greater China is crowned with the Directors Of The Year Awards 2021 in the ‘Non-listed Companies Categories’ by the Hong Kong Institute of Directors (HKIoD).
With his over 30 years of professional experience, Alex firmly believes that only a constructive, solution-based board can lead and motivate the company’s highly efficient management and business teams. Being an advocate and the leader, he has created initiatives to promote
the company’s environmental, compliance and social responsibility policies. He also serves as advisors in many professional organizations like the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers as the Deputy Chairman of the General Committee and the Insurance Authority as a member of their Expert Advisor Panel. For years, he has participated in various fundraising events and worked for the
community outside his office.
During an interview with local news media, he expressed his gratitude to fellow directors and colleagues for their hard work as well as the Lockton family and the international board for their trust and empowerment.
“It is a tremendous recognition of our dedication to good corporate governance as we continue to strive for excellence in our endeavours,” he added.
The HKIOD’s Directors Of The Year Awards were first launched in 2001 as the first ever such Awards organized in Asia. The project has now become an annual project of impact in the community organised by the Institute together with over 100 Project Partners. To date, 208 Awardees have been recognised for their achievements in demonstrating exemplary high standards in corporate governance.
“Our independence and private ownership have created a unique dynamic, one that focuses on our clients’ needs. Unlike many of our competitors, we do not aim to be the largest insurance brokerage – we only aim to be the best," said Alex. He went on to talk about his
vision for the company’s future.
“I believe that this is the time for our company,” he keeps his unequivocal confidence in Lockton Hong Kong’s favourable development for the years to come.
An award presentation ceremony was held during the Institute’s annual dinner in the evening of 30 November.
HKIod Website: https://www.hkiod.com/dya-current.html