Lockton’s dedicated Property Insurance team specialises in the sourcing and securing of targeted, bespoke insurance and risk solutions to protect a key cornerstone of your business: your property. Using a detail-oriented, data-backed approach, and harnessing strong relationships with key insurers, we are uniquely equipped to deliver a lasting solution that is matched to your needs and aspirations.


Corporate Risk- Property

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Lasting solutions to mitigate your property risks

Lockton’s property insurance broking team is made up of highly experienced brokers who have significant knowledge of the insurance market and market cycles, coupled with strong key insurer relationships. Our approach has always been to build strong professional relationships with insurers, not only within the London market, but across insurance markets globally, to ensure we obtain the best coverage/cost combination for our clients.

The team’s focus and experience is in designing insurance programmes that are tailored to our clients’ specific needs, underpinned by robust analytical data and technical knowledge. Working closely with our risk control team, we advise on protective measures that dovetail with your insurance purchase strategy.

The broking team works closely with our claims specialists to enhance policy wordings and ensure they respond to any losses. The collaboration of a one-team approach continues to deliver exceptional results.

Our services

Sectors we cover

  • Hospitality

  • Food and drink

  • Manufacturing

  • Wholesale

  • Retail

  • Professional services

  • Pharmaceuticals

  • Telecommunications

  • Technology

  • Utilities and infrastructure

  • Waste management

What we bring to your business

  • Risk protection - Our risk control team works in partnership with our clients to provide a complete range of risk management support, including advice on protective measures to ensure your risk management strategy best protects your assets. Our expertise includes risk analysis, risk management strategy, business continuity planning and ongoing specialist advice.

  • Business impact analysis (BIA) - We work with you to understand the potential impact and cost of a major event at key premises. This is fundamental in revealing potential vulnerabilities and provides a foundation for building data-driven risk mitigation initiatives, or changes to your insurance programme structure and wording.

  • Business impact audit review - Building on the BIA, this audit puts greater focus on the financial impact of an event, ensuring your existing cover is fit for purpose. We will help you to de-risk ahead of any potential major claim, gathering key information for insurers and loss adjusters.

  • Programme structure design options - Our detailed analysis enables us to design a bespoke insurance programme with cover and limits that meet your specific needs now and into the future as your business evolves.

  • Major claims protocols and management - In conjunction with your key insurer and loss adjuster, we will work with you to design clear claims protocols in the event of a major loss event. This board-level roadmap encourages a stronger relationship between client, insurer and loss adjuster ahead of a major claim, which can work to expedite claim payments.

News and Insights

IT outages such as the one involving CrowdStrike are likely to occur more often in the future. Businesses can prepare for such events by quantifying their cyber risk, creating plans that minimize the downtime of critical functions, and securing effective cyber insurance coverage.Protecting your business from IT outages

Insuring your classic car

Exceptional cars require exceptional cover. At Lockton, we’re every bit as passionate about looking after your classic cars as you are to own it, and drive it. That’s why we’ve created a market-leading policy, backed by our exceptional client service. Exceptional cars require exceptional cover. At Lockton, we’re every bit as passionate about looking after your classic cars as you are to own it, and drive it. That’s why we’ve created a market-leading policy, backed by our exceptional client service.

Microsoft/CrowdStrike IT Outage

Microsoft/CrowdStrike IT OutageMicrosoft/CrowdStrike IT Outage

The impact of the Ariane 6 launch on the space market

On 9 July, Europe’s new heavy-lift rocket, Ariane 6, made a successful maiden flight from the French Guiana spaceport. This is great news for the international space industry – and the space insurance market.On 9 July, Europe’s new heavy-lift rocket, Ariane 6, made a successful maiden flight from the French Guiana spaceport. This is great news for the international space industry – and the space insurance market.
See all news and insights

Our European Contacts



We're here to help

We bring creative thinking and an entrepreneurial spirit to the insurance business and are uniquely positioned to help you succeed.

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